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First Development version of Boxsim in english language

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  • UweG
    Registrierter Benutzer
    • 29.07.2003
    • 5660

    Is this due to some new measurements taken?
    In general, are the models provided with the 2.0 version coming from new measurements?
    Yes. All driver files that are provided with Boxsim 2.00 are based on measurements carried out in November and December 2018.
    Boxsim ... wenn Lautsprechersimulation gelingen soll.


    • mcl2k6
      Registrierter Benutzer
      • 26.11.2018
      • 19

      I would have a question, as currently I'm a bit puzzled: in the driver selection dialog, what is the purpose of the "Measurement of frequency response is valid for" dropdown?
      I've attached two images, one of them shows the original setting with "Open baffle", the other one is for "Box which is simulated".
      Angehängte Dateien


      • Willy_65
        Registrierter Benutzer
        • 13.12.2018
        • 77

        Good morning Uwe,
        1. The setting of the line thickness in the graphs is not saved in the ini file, even if the check mark is set to "use settings for all projects".
        Can you tell me which line I can add at the bottom of the ini file? I suppose something like: "parameter" = 0 (or 1 or 2)?

        2. If you have 2 projects open at the same time and the first optimizes and then breaks down, pop-up windows will be added to the 2nd project (for which you have also worked on this) upwards regarding to chosen parts, even if you are not optimizing there.
        It seems as both open projects are not two separate instances of the programcode.



        • UweG
          Registrierter Benutzer
          • 29.07.2003
          • 5660

          @mcl2k6: Sorry I have overseen your post.
          You do not have to change any setting of the place where the frequency response refers to. This is set automatically when the driver file is loaded.
          Possible settings are:
          - infinite baffle: automatically set by all new diver files, as their data is already recalculated to the infinite baffle (=half space)
          - DIN-baffle: set by some of the elder driver files
          - VISATON test enclosure small or large size: set by many of the elder driver files
          - box which is simulated: This should be set by you after you imported an own frequency Response measurement of the Driver that was mounted in your box.
          Boxsim ... wenn Lautsprechersimulation gelingen soll.


          • UweG
            Registrierter Benutzer
            • 29.07.2003
            • 5660


            to 1) Yes this is a bug and will be repaired in the next Version.

            to 2) I'm a bit confused because Boxsim cannot load two files at the same time. I will try to reproduce this issue this evening.
            Boxsim ... wenn Lautsprechersimulation gelingen soll.


            • Willy_65
              Registrierter Benutzer
              • 13.12.2018
              • 77

              Zitat von UweG Beitrag anzeigen
              I'm a bit confused because Boxsim cannot load two files at the same time. I will try to reproduce this issue this evening.
              for your information:
              I have linked the .BPJ extension to Boxsim 2.0.
              Then I double-click a project file that opens it in a first instance of Boxsim. Then double click another file and it opens in a new instance of Boxsim.
              And so I can continue for a while.
              I work with two 24 "screens and in this way I can easily open 2 projects: 1 on the first screen and 1 on the other, including the crossover editors.


              • UweG
                Registrierter Benutzer
                • 29.07.2003
                • 5660

                You supposed right. The bug in Boxsim refers to the writing of the graph thickness. The program tries to read it. It look for a line that looks like that, if the thickness is set to the middle value:
                GThickness=	2
                Possible values are 1, 2 and 3. This line has to be in the section #Option, e.g. after the line
                , before the line
                . That's where the program should have written it.

                Referring to the other issue: Boxsim definitely starts another instance if you start it twice. But if it open a popup window, it is placed more or less arbitrarily. It can happen that it is placed over another instance of Boxsim and it looks as if the other instance has popped up that window.
                I will try to find another solution, maybe by letting it pop up over the optimizer window.
                Boxsim ... wenn Lautsprechersimulation gelingen soll.


                • Willy_65
                  Registrierter Benutzer
                  • 13.12.2018
                  • 77

                  Thanks Uwe,
                  In my INI-file the line had to be added on the last line, not before "#Window".
                  See INI in attachment.
                  Angehängte Dateien


                  • Willy_65
                    Registrierter Benutzer
                    • 13.12.2018
                    • 77

                    Hello Uwe,
                    I was annoyed that Boxsim was always opening at the size of 1960 x 720p. If you then open the crossover editor (in smallest format) that window partly overlaps the Boxsim graph window. You then have to reduce that window to see the graph completely because if you click on the graph window during the overlap, that window will not get the focus.
                    That would not be a problem if Boxsim always remembered the last size, but after a restart it will do that again in the large standard dimensions.
                    I had already tried to change the size in the INI-file, but it was always reset in the INI to the default values.
                    I have now put those 2 values in comment and now the program remembers the last used window size. See:
                    w1 = 1
                    wt = 4
                    ww = 1029
                    wh = 769
                    # ww = 1069
                    # wh = 720

                    update 13/01: clarification
                    If the "ww" value becomes smaller than 1004, the standard dimensions of the window are reset to ww = 1096, when closing Boxsim.

                    update 12/01:
                    Is it, in a subsequent version, also possible to keep the popup window "Edit part" with the proposed value of the elements always visible? Now the window "Crossover network parts" always comes across the popup and you always have to put it next to the popup to make the right choices of eg inductance and resistance.
                    Zuletzt geändert von Willy_65; 13.01.2019, 11:07. Grund: clarification window dimensions


                    • V12
                      Registrierter Benutzer
                      • 11.01.2019
                      • 4

                      Sorry if it is repeated question and the wrong place.
                      I have to add my own driver.
                      But how to measure the "position of point of sound origin (SEO)?
                      Is it a distance from baffle to the center of voice coil?


                      • mcl2k6
                        Registrierter Benutzer
                        • 26.11.2018
                        • 19

                        Hello Uwe,

                        There is a new tweeter model in the 2.0 DB, G 25 FFL_WG.
                        I presume this had been measured with one of the Visaton waveguides compatible with it. Which one was used?
                        Currently I know of two of these:
                        - the square one, WG 220x150
                        - the round one, WG 148 R

                        Thank you!


                        • nlcarbon
                          Registrierter Benutzer
                          • 15.02.2012
                          • 1526

                          Both type of WG have the same acoustic properties.


                          • UweG
                            Registrierter Benutzer
                            • 29.07.2003
                            • 5660

                            Oh, I think I did not recognize some posts.

                            @Willy_65: Boxsim should open with the same window size and position as it was, when you closed it, if the complete window fits on the screen.

                            @V12: The easiest way to handle the SEO for own measurements is to set it to zero. That means that the phase response you measured has to refers to the plane of the baffle.

                            @mcl2k6: They are mesured with the WG148R, but nlcarbon already mentioned it. There is no acoustic difference between the two waveguides.
                            Boxsim ... wenn Lautsprechersimulation gelingen soll.


                            • V12
                              Registrierter Benutzer
                              • 11.01.2019
                              • 4

                              OK, clear. Thank you UweG!


                              • mcl2k6
                                Registrierter Benutzer
                                • 26.11.2018
                                • 19

                                AL170 resonance frequency

                                Hello UweG,

                                I am currently building a new project with some brand new AL170. Somehow, the bass reflex box measurement didn't quite add up with what had been simulated, in a sense that the resonance frequencies were off by around 10-15 Hz or so.
                                Therefore I've thought on doing some measurements of the drivers.
                                I did some basic measurements using ARTA LIMP, to see the driver impedance in free air. The rule of thumb states that the impedance of the speaker is the highest at it's natural resonance. What I got is that this is highest at 56Hz. The datasheet states a value of just 38Hz.
                                What might the difference come from?
                                As stated, the drivers are brand new. Do I need to "break-in" them for some time, so the mechanics settles, and the suspension softens?
                                Please see the attached screenshot, red line is from one speaker, green is from the other.
                                Angehängte Dateien

