
Keine Ankündigung bisher.

First Development version of Boxsim in english language

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  • mcl2k6
    Registrierter Benutzer
    • 26.11.2018
    • 19

    Zitat von UweG Beitrag anzeigen
    Not in this thread. This one is for the english version of Boxsim.
    Please open a new thread and maybe attach the project file because frequency response is not the only interesting topic.
    Did it:
    Thank you!


    • Willy_65
      Registrierter Benutzer
      • 13.12.2018
      • 77

      I am optimizing the Couplet Light for use with tube amplifiers. So a better impedance curve is a priority.
      I achieved all that, including a better acoustic power response.
      Therefore I also had to use the dome tweeter G 25 FFL.
      Now I get a frequency response with @ 6dB = 47Hz- @ 10dB = 36Hz-30kHz.
      To achieve an even better spread for the tweeter I will use the waveguide WG 148 R, for which I have to adjust the height of the box from 46 to 52 cm.

      My question now is: Is it sufficient that I select in "enclosure and baffle / baffle and position" under "shape of diaphragma" Waveguide and nothing else?
      I use the option "Common outer housing"

      I don't see any difference under "Frequency response".


      • goofy_ac
        Registrierter Benutzer
        • 17.02.2018
        • 1141

        Hi Willy

        All tweeter with WG´s have a different set of data for boxsim - you have to exchange them.
        Boxsim -> Chassis: select your tweeter (G25FFL) -> load from file -> G25FFL-8_WG.BCH

        Thats it - as far as I know

        Viele Grüße - Axel


        • Willy_65
          Registrierter Benutzer
          • 13.12.2018
          • 77

          Zitat von goofy_ac Beitrag anzeigen
          Hi Willy

          All tweeter with WG´s have a different set of data for boxsim - you have to exchange them.
          Boxsim -> Chassis: select your tweeter (G25FFL) -> load from file -> G25FFL-8_WG.BCH

          Thats it - as far as I know
          Now I understand why I often see WG tweeters in use but not for sale
          That will certainly be the solution, thanks for the quick response !!


          • goofy_ac
            Registrierter Benutzer
            • 17.02.2018
            • 1141

            You´re welcome - it´s seldom enough that I as a youngster can give some advice

            Viele Grüße - Axel

