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  • papabuell
    Registrierter Benutzer
    • 03.06.2023
    • 15

    Zitat von walwal Beitrag anzeigen

    Are they? Please check with a listening test.
    The connection of all components and the filter are connected by a pro and are biwired.
    The speakers were tested at another location that had been adapted and they played perfectly there with enough bass.
    Have already tried a lot but it is purely up to the space itself.


    • papabuell
      Registrierter Benutzer
      • 03.06.2023
      • 15

      Zitat von Kay* Beitrag anzeigen

      do you tried closing the bass ports complete too?

      it's possible to show your measurement?
      We tried that first and it wasn't good, then made the gate from the back and it wasn't any better either.


      • papabuell
        Registrierter Benutzer
        • 03.06.2023
        • 15

        Here are some measurements.
        Angehängte Dateien


        • Lebrichon
          • 20.06.2008
          • 284

          Thank's for the measurements. They clearly show typical room acoustic problems and low bass between 35 - 50 Hz and 65 - 100 Hz. It's easy to imagine that you miss deep frequencies.

          Unfortunately, I have to say, that if you install woofers with more bass, the result will not get any better. On the contrary, the bass will become extremely loud on other places in the room than on the listening position.

          In my opinion, there are the following possibilities:
          1) Change listening and/or speaker position. For a small test, you can move the speakers a bit, to check if the bass response will get better. If the new speaker position is not acceptable for your wife, you can also install some rolls underneath the speakers to move them any time you want to listen to good music and place them back, when your wife is at home.
          2) Install an additional subwoofer, which can also be a hidden one (like behind a cabinet, underneath the couch or disguised as furniture)
          3) Invest a lot of time and calculation into room optimization, which is not easy for such deep frequencies. Of course, that can be an optical problem because for a hearable effect, they must get large.
          Visaton Technik und Entwicklung


          • walwal
            Registrierter Benutzer
            • 08.01.2003
            • 28196

            Zitat von papabuell Beitrag anzeigen

            The connection of all components and the filter are connected by a pro and are biwired.
            The speakers were tested at another location that had been adapted and they played perfectly there with enough bass.
            Have already tried a lot but it is purely up to the space itself.
            Also "pros" can make mistakes. When i change connections speaker - amplifier, i always do this test.

            But i think, lebrichon is right, its the room and position. If you add an aktive subwoofer this will fill the dips in the bass. If you buy an Antimode, the frequencyresponse is automatically better. If you do this, the Sub can be placed in a roomcorner behind your listening position. 30 liter, closed cabinet is enough.
            Zuletzt geändert von walwal; 07.06.2023, 16:38.
            „Audiophile verwenden ihre Geräte nicht, um Ihre Musik zu hören. Audiophile verwenden Ihre Musik, um ihre Geräte zu hören.“

            Alan Parsons


            • Kay*
              Registrierter Benutzer
              • 13.11.2002
              • 938

              In my opinion, there are the following possibilities:
              4) not buy anything, try APO-EQ first!
              best regards


              • Markus213
                Registrierter Benutzer
                • 11.03.2017
                • 873

                Jungs, ihr habt recht, der Raum ist scheiße:

                Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: ohne SUB.jpg
Ansichten: 401
Größe: 319,0 KB
ID: 711884

                und mit SUB

                Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: mitSUB.jpg
Ansichten: 363
Größe: 344,7 KB
ID: 711885

                Es ist meine Meinung, die ohne Angaben von Gründen geändert werden kann. Fehler oder Irrtümer vorbehalten! Für die Richtigkeit der Angaben kann keine Gewähr übernommen werden


                • papabuell
                  Registrierter Benutzer
                  • 03.06.2023
                  • 15

                  Zitat von walwal Beitrag anzeigen

                  Also "pros" can make mistakes. When i change connections speaker - amplifier, i always do this test.

                  But i think, lebrichon is right, its the room and position. If you add an aktive subwoofer this will fill the dips in the bass. If you buy an Antimode, the frequencyresponse is automatically better. If you do this, the Sub can be placed in a roomcorner behind your listening position. 30 liter, closed cabinet is enough.
                  I have already tried to place a sub but this is not accepted by the woman.
                  So there are not many choices left.


                  • papabuell
                    Registrierter Benutzer
                    • 03.06.2023
                    • 15

                    Zitat von Lebrichon Beitrag anzeigen
                    Thank's for the measurements. They clearly show typical room acoustic problems and low bass between 35 - 50 Hz and 65 - 100 Hz. It's easy to imagine that you miss deep frequencies.

                    Unfortunately, I have to say, that if you install woofers with more bass, the result will not get any better. On the contrary, the bass will become extremely loud on other places in the room than on the listening position.

                    In my opinion, there are the following possibilities:
                    1) Change listening and/or speaker position. For a small test, you can move the speakers a bit, to check if the bass response will get better. If the new speaker position is not acceptable for your wife, you can also install some rolls underneath the speakers to move them any time you want to listen to good music and place them back, when your wife is at home.
                    2) Install an additional subwoofer, which can also be a hidden one (like behind a cabinet, underneath the couch or disguised as furniture)
                    3) Invest a lot of time and calculation into room optimization, which is not easy for such deep frequencies. Of course, that can be an optical problem because for a hearable effect, they must get large.
                    I believe more than 10 different measurements have been made with speakers to be moved, both in width and in distance from the rear wall.
                    These measurements are the best result that could be achieved, the others are even worse.
                    A sub can help, I know that too, but I don't just decide here about my wife, she's also there.
                    A high-pile carpet would also help, but with 6 dogs in the house, no solution either.


                    • papabuell
                      Registrierter Benutzer
                      • 03.06.2023
                      • 15

                      Here are some photos of the layout of the room.
                      Photos are drawn behind the sitting position.
                      Angehängte Dateien


                      • JAL
                        Registrierter Benutzer
                        • 26.03.2018
                        • 1032


                        i got no real expertise in matters of acoustics;

                        and only in case you didn´t try that yet, of course ;

                        but when looking at your pictures of your listening-layout, my guts told me ,
                        that it might be worth a try (and easy to do) to exchange the position of the speakers with that of those high-column-boards you got there standing
                        to the left and to the right of your low-TV-board.

                        Leave a bit of room for the speakers to the high-column-boards which would be standing on the outside then, and, if possible, put the speakers even closer to the wall.
                        Then check again, and try to variate the positions of the speakers and high-boards slightly in order to see (or hear) what changes you get with that.

                        Best wishes
                        Zuletzt geändert von JAL; 09.06.2023, 00:17.


                        • papabuell
                          Registrierter Benutzer
                          • 03.06.2023
                          • 15

                          Hey, thanks for offering another option but this is only possible if you're single, hahahaha.
                          Have already discussed it with the wife but not yet.


                          • JAL
                            Registrierter Benutzer
                            • 26.03.2018
                            • 1032

                            I get your point....


                            • papabuell
                              Registrierter Benutzer
                              • 03.06.2023
                              • 15

                              I also presented my problem with space and bass to Visaton themselves and they suggested the EXPERIENCE V 20 to solve the lack of bass.
                              What is your thought about this.


                              • walwal
                                Registrierter Benutzer
                                • 08.01.2003
                                • 28196

                                The Concorde Mk3 or Concorde WG sound better and can deliver more basspower than the Experience. But are more expensive, All 3 are D'Appolito, they sound only perfekt, when you sit at the hight of the tweeter. I would prefer speakers with (built in) an aktive Woofer, so you can equalize the roommodes. But then you have to build your own crossover, are you experienced for this?

                                You could also build two aktive subwoofers als stand for 2 smaller speakers on top.

                                However, the bass should be aktive and equalized, if not, you never will be satisfied.
                                „Audiophile verwenden ihre Geräte nicht, um Ihre Musik zu hören. Audiophile verwenden Ihre Musik, um ihre Geräte zu hören.“

                                Alan Parsons

