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Visaton open baffle project idea, opinions?

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  • nlcarbon
    Registrierter Benutzer
    • 15.02.2012
    • 1526

    Zitat von Fraggle Beitrag anzeigen
    1. Formally, the settings posted by DaveFred in #23 represent the drawing correctly.

    The note in Boxsim says: "If common outer housing is used, 0,0,0 is the center of the common front side baffle."
    (@nlcarbon: In my opinion, this means the center of the large baffle and NOT the small baffle.)
    We are using a common housing here, and its center is 40 cm above the floor.
    Therefore, y = 52.5 cm places the AL130 at 92.5 cm above the floor.

    I don't think so! In my opinion it is the small baffle from the driver you are woking on. So the correct vertical Position in Room must be 72,5cm.

    Maybe UweG can "bring light into the dark"

    But for simulation it is more correct to use the 120x15cm instead of 40x15 baffle for AL + G25 as already said.

    Edit: If iam correct I also have a mistake in my simulation #20. The horizontal position in room of the Al and G25 must be 7,5cm instead of 0 because of the 15cm smaler baffle...
    Zuletzt geändert von nlcarbon; 05.08.2019, 14:39.


    • UweG
      Registrierter Benutzer
      • 29.07.2003
      • 5653

      The coordinate system that is used to define the position of the sound output has to be the same for all drivers. In this coordinate systems the different distances to the microphone are calculated in the several angles.
      If the common outer housing is used (for any of the chassis) the center of the common outer housing is defined as 0,0,0. If the common outer housing is not used, you can define the center where ever you want.

      For the project attached to #19, the sketch in #23 is correct relating to positions. I would have preferred to define the common out housing with the complete height and only adapt the with of the baffle.
      Based on the project from post #19 it looks like the attached project file.
      The difference in output is not very big, the truth might be anywhere in between those two simulation.
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      • walwal
        Registrierter Benutzer
        • 08.01.2003
        • 28054

        „Audiophile verwenden ihre Geräte nicht, um Ihre Musik zu hören. Audiophile verwenden Ihre Musik, um ihre Geräte zu hören.“

        Alan Parsons


        • jama
          Registrierter Benutzer
          • 19.07.2009
          • 4888

          0,33 uF attenuates W25E resonance by 2500 Hz
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