Original geschrieben von capslock
Was soll 1.3 denn mehr können?
Was soll 1.3 denn mehr können?
Changes from version 1.2.1 are:
- The Farina method for simultaneous measurements of frequency response
and harmonic distortion is implemented (see ARTA manual section 6.1.8).
- Burst decay envelope graphs are new tools for analysis of resonances and
reflections (see ARTA manual section 6.5)
- Data export in CSV (Excel) formatted files is implemented in ARTA, LIMP
and STEPS.
- In STEPS two methods are implemented for stepped amplitude testing
(linearity test and distortion vs. sine amplitude).
- In ARTA the group delay is calculated by using the user entered phase delay
(as in phase calculation).
- In ARTA microphone frequency response compensation can be applied in
CSD and Burst decay plots.
- In ARTA the generator volume control for periodic noise now also controls
the output level of the continuous noise.
- In STEPS minimum measurement transient time changed from 10ms set to 20ms,
to better adapt to some soundcard latency.
- In ARTA several small bugs corrected:
- corrected signal window labeling (Kaiser7) in spectrum bitmap copy
- corrected DI report in polar plot for full space
- corrected file name saving in directivity view