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was stattdessen CBM 130 AW

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  • moonwalker
    Registrierter Benutzer
    • 29.10.2012
    • 5

    was stattdessen CBM 130 AW


    I am from Poland, and I unfortunately do not know german. But I have small question. I want to built Atlas Transmission, and I have to replace CBM 130 AW with some other speaker, that is available on market. I observe ebay and looking for CBM but there is nothing to buy. Meybe there is someone who replace this speaker before, and give me any advice. Thank You.
  • Locke
    Registrierter Benutzer
    • 15.10.2000
    • 235

    Alas Transmission

    I have the same problem
    I think we can use the AL130M
    the simulaton looks good

    (the technical specification from the TIW 360 is changed to TIW 350)
    (and it's a closed box)

    Angehängte Dateien


    • pulsar99
      Registrierter Benutzer
      • 03.12.2007
      • 819

      Hello moonwalker,

      yes, AL130 will be an option. The general problem: every alternative speaker does not work with the original crossover, so you have to redesign it, and measurment equipment will be very very helpful.

      If I had to do it, I rather would replace it with the Audax HM130Z10:]=107

      similar gasket design, similar SPL, and less problems of cone resonances.

      Here is a boxsim-simulation with TIW360 and CBM130AW Data, extracted from an old speakerpro program.
      The boxsim simulation program is also aviable in english:

      Greets Ralf
      Angehängte Dateien


      • moonwalker
        Registrierter Benutzer
        • 29.10.2012
        • 5

        Thank You All,

        I have problem, I have no enough knowledge to choose properly speaker.
        I was thinking about AL 130, but I compare specifications and my conclusion was that there is too many differences between CBM and AL.
        I know the boxsim program but I can not use it. I do not understand all terms used in program. This is an impliction of my knowledge lacks. Additionaly I do not have any measurment devices. I am not sure if i can redesign crossover only use boxsim, even when I learn how to use it.
        The Audax looks better I think. I try once again to apply boxsim.


        • F.H.
          • 05.10.2011
          • 1014

          Are Boxsim-data of the Audax-speaker available? I don't think so. Without the special data for Boxsim a simulation is not possible.

          The frequency response of the AL 130 M is very similar to the CBM 130 AW. Why don't you use the proposal of Locke? The simulation result with the AL 130 M looks very good. Remark: Use the M-version (midrange)!


          • Locke
            Registrierter Benutzer
            • 15.10.2000
            • 235

            Hallo Visaton
            the only we need is a AL130M in black and with 8 corners



            • moonwalker
              Registrierter Benutzer
              • 29.10.2012
              • 5

              color and shape is not most important for me

              So please inform me, what should I pay attention to, looking at speaker specification? F.H. points to "frequency response", when the other features of the AL 130 vary from CBM (Qts, VAS...). I would like to replace CBM with the best available speaker. If I should choice AL 130, there is not problem for me. I know AL 130 (without M) becouse I have this one in VOX loudspeaker.


              • F.H.
                • 05.10.2011
                • 1014

                The M-type is a special midrange speaker. Due to a voice coil with less windings and therefore lower mass the efficiency is higher compared to AL 130 (the curve of the frequency response is higher, up to 90 dB). The CBM 130 AW had a similar high efficiency.


                • Frankynstone
                  Registrierter Benutzer
                  • 24.03.2004
                  • 3916

                  I know, this is not intended to be a high-end chassis, but Visaton SC 13 has a very smooth frequency response and good efficiency. Its design has corners and is flat black.
                  PN-Box ist voll, bei Bedarf E-Mail: Frankynstone(ätt)gmx(punkt)de


                  • moonwalker
                    Registrierter Benutzer
                    • 29.10.2012
                    • 5

                    thank You all for help. Fortunately I bought CBM appeared on ebay, so the problem is solved.

