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The Gate, 4 tower open baffle active speaker system

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  • JamesTRexx
    Registrierter Benutzer
    • 27.02.2010
    • 7

    The Gate, 4 tower open baffle active speaker system

    (english, as I can read and speak German, just not write it decently )

    Presenting my (currently raw) build here as well as it's a complete Visaton based design. I prefer using single brands and the high end units have proven themselves in Visaton's own designs. Living in the Netherlands means getting Visaton is also a convenience.
    I wanted something that would not only rival Siegfried Linkwitz' Orions but also trump them in full range output.

    Mains: 3.5 way WWMT/TMWW, 190x28x28 cm, part H, part (shallow) U frame,
    2x G 20 SC, 2x TI 100, 4x W 200 S, crossover points (LR 4th) 2300, 243 Hz with top and bottom woofer rolled off 30 dB at 243 Hz/12 dB slope.

    Subs: 190x35x35 cm H frame, 6x W 300 connected per 3 in parallel, crossoverpoint (LR 4th) 50 Hz between mains and subs when in use, otherwise the mains run full range.

    Planned finishing: all edges rounded, front and inside behind mid/tweeters white felt, complete frames high gloss white paint.

    Processing: Behringer DEQ2496 for room equalizing, connected with digital out to 2 DCX2496'. Outputs are configured for sub, sub, low, low/low-mid, mid, high and time aligned.

    Power amps: (per side) 1x Behringer EP4000 in stereo for sub, 2x Behringer EP2000 for main (all with combined silent fan and resistor mods).

    This speaker system isn't shy about reproducing the cannons on Overture 1812.
    Angehängte Dateien
  • MjoIIniR
    Registrierter Benutzer
    • 14.12.2007
    • 434

    Now thats a loudspeaker for real men
    Tommy Emmanuel:
    There's more to life than what's on television


    • JamesTRexx
      Registrierter Benutzer
      • 27.02.2010
      • 7

      Zitat von MjoIIniR Beitrag anzeigen
      Now thats a loudspeaker for real men
      Yes, no WAF involved in this at all.


      • DerAlteDachs
        Registrierter Benutzer
        • 27.08.2002
        • 596

        Very nice Setup !!


        • JamesTRexx
          Registrierter Benutzer
          • 27.02.2010
          • 7

          Zitat von DerAlteDachs Beitrag anzeigen
          Very nice Setup !!


          • Sunder
            Registrierter Benutzer
            • 14.04.2008
            • 494

            Very impressive...

            The concept of open cabinets is new to me, is there a way to simulate that?

            What is the advantage of a open frame cabinet?

            MfG Marko
            Denon DCD 500 AE+Yamaha RX A-1070
            Main's: Experience V20, bi-amped
            Surround: Concept S
            Sub: Der Don


            • Rudolf
              Registrierter Benutzer
              • 18.06.2004
              • 688

              Zitat von Sunder Beitrag anzeigen
              The concept of open cabinets is new to me, is there a way to simulate that?
              Du kannst ja genug Englisch:

              und alles andere, was auf diesen Websites noch steht.

              What is the advantage of a open frame cabinet?

              und alles andere ...


              • JamesTRexx
                Registrierter Benutzer
                • 27.02.2010
                • 7

                Zitat von Sunder Beitrag anzeigen
                Very impressive...

                Zitat von Sunder Beitrag anzeigen
                The concept of open cabinets is new to me, is there a way to simulate that?
                The links Rudolf posted were where I learned more on open baffle when I started thinking about building my own speakers.
                I also found a link through Google on how to simulate OB with Boxsim. Can't find the link quickly but it might have even been a post on the forum here.

                Zitat von Sunder Beitrag anzeigen
                What is the advantage of a open frame cabinet?
                The advantages that made me decide on OB were no dynamic restriction by the (partly) sealed air mass behind the cone, no reflections from inside the cabinet going back through the cone, and the added depth to the soundstage by the reflected sound from the wall behind the speaker.

                To be fair, the disadvantages are the requirement to have the speakers at least 1m from the walls and to reproduce bass more cone surface is needed (or higher xmax).
                The 20 woofers I use are more than enough to provide deep bass (the mains alone provide enough bass at reasonably loud levels).
                Both of these reasons were no issue for me so I could go all out on this build.


                • UweG
                  Registrierter Benutzer
                  • 29.07.2003
                  • 5661

                  Regarding Boxsim and open baffle: Maybe this page:
                  Boxsim ... wenn Lautsprechersimulation gelingen soll.


                  • JamesTRexx
                    Registrierter Benutzer
                    • 27.02.2010
                    • 7

                    Zitat von UweG Beitrag anzeigen
                    Regarding Boxsim and open baffle: Maybe this page:
                    That's the one, thanks!


                    • PeterG
                      Registrierter Benutzer
                      • 12.06.2003
                      • 1350

                      Hi JamesTRexx,

                      a nice box!

                      Meine Hornlautsprecher


                      • JamesTRexx
                        Registrierter Benutzer
                        • 27.02.2010
                        • 7

                        Zitat von PeterG Beitrag anzeigen
                        a nice box!
                        The only good box is a no box.

                        I think I just made a marketing pun for Visaton.


                        • phil
                          Registrierter Benutzer
                          • 13.09.2008
                          • 340

                          du bist nicht der erste, der auf dieses wortspiel kommt. die nicht-box von visaton heißt schon "nobox" :-)


                          • JamesTRexx
                            Registrierter Benutzer
                            • 27.02.2010
                            • 7

                            Zitat von phil Beitrag anzeigen
                            du bist nicht der erste, der auf dieses wortspiel kommt. die nicht-box von visaton heißt schon "nobox" :-)
                            Kein bonus fur mich dann? Schade... :-/

