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T.amp pm40C

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  • drakano
    Registrierter Benutzer
    • 13.10.2011
    • 2

    T.amp pm40C

    Hello everyone.

    I will write in English because I don't know German.

    First I read the thread about T.amp and his modification, but I have some questions.

    I try to measure the FR of the amp, but I receive different curves from listed in

    What is my setup:
    Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: T.amp_meas.jpg
Ansichten: 1
Größe: 10,8 KB
ID: 648041

    Steps setup:
    Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: Setup_Steps.jpg
Ansichten: 1
Größe: 32,0 KB
ID: 648042

    Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: Setup_Dist.jpg
Ansichten: 1
Größe: 47,1 KB
ID: 648043

    The amp is in the original setup, I didn't replace C3 and C14.

    My questions are:
    - Is the measuring setup correct and STEPS is configured properly?
    - The distortions looks similar to the other listed in the thread for pm40c but I'm not sure.
    - I can't post the graphs of the FR because i reach the limit of attachments, but the FR looks different. I will post soon.
  • Frankynstone
    Registrierter Benutzer
    • 24.03.2004
    • 3916

    Hi drakano,

    seems like you want to use these 18k and 2k resistors as a voltage divider. Thus the 2k has to be connected to the other terminal of the 18k. How it works:
    • output voltage of the amp is input voltage of the divider
    • divider consists of two resistors in series, current is driven through 18k at first and then through 2k to ground
    • current is input voltage divided by sum of resistors equals 20k
    • output voltage is current multiplied by 2k
    • output voltage is measured
    I've never used STEPS, so I can't tell you about that.
    If you want to attach more files, simply answer to your own posting
    PN-Box ist voll, bei Bedarf E-Mail: Frankynstone(ätt)gmx(punkt)de


    • drakano
      Registrierter Benutzer
      • 13.10.2011
      • 2

      You are right, this is correct divider:
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