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AL170 oder VIFA P17WJ-00-08?

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  • bolandi
    Registrierter Benutzer
    • 24.06.2005
    • 16

    Original geschrieben von YouGo
    I don't mind when a driver is not very beautiful, but this is really to bad. .
    I won´t say it...
    But the scans aren´t in your budget, aren´t they...? So, if it´s cheap for you, take the Vifa, I think the mids will harmonize very well with the SA and it´s a driver with high agility like the SA, too...

    Best regards, Guenther


    • eoh
      Registrierter Benutzer
      • 16.01.2004
      • 444

      nana, jetze aber - the 18s is not that ugly. i like it because of the strong magnet and low distortion. i think that there are several pa-drivers who are very interesting, but nichtsovielbeachtet.


      • bolandi
        Registrierter Benutzer
        • 24.06.2005
        • 16

        Original geschrieben von eevilobihoernchen
        . i think that there are several pa-drivers who are very interesting, but nichtsovielbeachtet.
        Well spoken!! I´m absolutely with you... For a lot of concepts they are the better "HiFi"-drivers, simply because of their "born" agility, but in the case of Hugo I can´t find a usable low-budget driver.

        Best regards, Guenther


        • bolandi
          Registrierter Benutzer
          • 24.06.2005
          • 16

          Hi, Hugo,

          sorry for foolin´around... what´s about a three-way-speaker, for example like that:
          two Eminence Beta8" on both sides of the cabinet (impulse-compensated), one Eminence Alpha6" and the SA on the Front, volume between 40 and 50 litres, 50 hertz, the SA needn´t much damping... And still cheaper than two AL170...

          Best regards, Guenther


          • YouGo
            Registrierter Benutzer
            • 25.11.2004
            • 56

            Speakers on the side is in my case not an option, because the speakers will stand next to a wall / cabinet. I also want them easy in placing, because I have not that much space on my room. A 3-way system will surely come later.

            PS Ich kan prima Deutsch lezen , aber schreiben ist noch ein bischen schwierich für mich


            • bolandi
              Registrierter Benutzer
              • 24.06.2005
              • 16

              Hi, Hugo,
              you are really hard to satisfie, aren´t you...?
              Well, no further ideas from my side... If you need any help for the crossover network, please let me know...

              Regards, Guenther


              • YouGo
                Registrierter Benutzer
                • 25.11.2004
                • 56

                Haha I'm sorry, I'm just a perfectionist If I take the Vifa's I won't need to design a crossover myself, because I already know someone with that configuration.
                PS Ich kan prima Deutsch lezen , aber schreiben ist noch ein bischen schwierich für mich


                • bolandi
                  Registrierter Benutzer
                  • 24.06.2005
                  • 16

                  Well, the SA´s are extraordinary, so enjoy it! Please let us now about your experiences...
                  Regards, Guenther


                  • YouGo
                    Registrierter Benutzer
                    • 25.11.2004
                    • 56

                    I would really like to post my pictures and experiences here when my loudspeakers are finished, but I fear the topic will be closed because I probably won't have any Visaton parts in it (except mabye bass port, terminal, etc. )

                    PS. Ich sehe das viele Leute stoppen mit antworten wann die Sprace des Topics aufgeht in English (auch in andere topics). Ich verstehe das sommige Leute es vielleicht schwer finden in English zu antworten. Aber wie in mein Sig anzukündigt ist, können sie immer in Deutsch antworten. Das ist für mich gar kein Problem, so lassen sie sich dadürch nicht abschrecken! Ich spreche nur Englisch weil typen dadürch viel schneller geht, aber wenn das für sommige Leute nicht gut zu fassen ist, sollen sie es mich sagen, dann werde ich soviel wie möglich in Deutsch reden!
                    PS Ich kan prima Deutsch lezen , aber schreiben ist noch ein bischen schwierich für mich


                    • hifideliger
                      Registrierter Benutzer
                      • 06.01.2003
                      • 556

                      I don't believe, that the guys here are deterred of writing in english, but bolandi did such a great job in making proposals, that there was not much more to say.

                      I had another idea. What about one or two of the Peerless cut sides 20 cm woofers? Of course they provide a greater sensitivity than the 17cm woofers and also keep the box as slim as possible. And if you get discount on Vifa, perhaps this applies for Peerless too.

                      Greetings, Thomas
                      KEINE MACHT FÜR NIEMAND!


                      • bolandi
                        Registrierter Benutzer
                        • 24.06.2005
                        • 16


                        @hifideliger: Good! Nice Idea!


                        Well the HDS 205 has a little problem around 1kHz but with a crossover-frequency in that zone that will be no problem, I suspect...
                        I forgot about him because of the normal list price of about 105,--, but it will be possible to get him for about 80,--, so it might be working with your budget.
                        I heard the HDS205 in an active FAST-concept together with the Veravox3 and it worked very well up to the crossing frequency around 450 Hertz. The crossover was build on a first order and there was no equalization, so don´t worry about the problems above 1kHz...
                        Hm, but he needs about 20cm, maybe that´s not as slim as you would like the box...

                        Best regards, Guenther


                        • YouGo
                          Registrierter Benutzer
                          • 25.11.2004
                          • 56

                          I think the size of a 20 cm cut-side woofer is not the biggest problem. But if I take two of those, 50 L won't be enough for a cabinet. One 20 cm is not an option, because I think 2 17 cm's will not only have more spl, but also more surface, which gives a nice 'punch'.
                          I also looked at the 17 cm peerless drivers, but I think they're all quite similar to the Vifa and the AL. So I think it has to be one of those, but I still don't know if the 2 mm extra Xmax from the AL are a good reason to choose for it.
                          I am a bit (to?) worried about this xmax thing because I've built a subwoofer with the W170S (see gallery). When I turn up the volume level too much, it begins to make very weird noises. It seems to make a 'flappering' paper sound. I assume that's the driver going over his xmax, and I don't want my loudspeakers to do the similar thing (I will load them with significant bass, but not so much as the sub). For HT I will need a subwoofer anyways.
                          PS Ich kan prima Deutsch lezen , aber schreiben ist noch ein bischen schwierich für mich


                          • hifideliger
                            Registrierter Benutzer
                            • 06.01.2003
                            • 556

                            There is one more thing to say. The d-s-t homepage tells me, that the HDS woofers are out of production and got replaced by certain Nomex and PP cone types.

                            Due to a german DIY-magazine, the HDS 205 goes down to 33 Hz in 42 liters.

                            KEINE MACHT FÜR NIEMAND!


                            • bolandi
                              Registrierter Benutzer
                              • 24.06.2005
                              • 16

                              Hi, Hugo,

                              the HDS205 works also in 22-25 liters with a nice punch...
                              But all in all, I would personally prefer the Vifa, because of his nice mids, his agility and his expected homogenic play with the SA... Don´t woorx about the Xmax, if the cabinet isn´t tuned too low, that might be no problem... Maybe an active high-pass will be a fine idea...

                              Regards, Guenther


                              • YouGo
                                Registrierter Benutzer
                                • 25.11.2004
                                • 56

                                It may sound weird, but because lack of time, I still haven't started building my loudspeakers. But I do think I choose vor the AL, because aluminiuim generally gives a directer sound. Resonations around 7 kHz is not really something to worry about when the filter is at 1 kHz...

                                A 10" PA speaker with an fs of 70 hz is not really what I am waiting for, by the way
                                PS Ich kan prima Deutsch lezen , aber schreiben ist noch ein bischen schwierich für mich

