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Visaton Couplet Standbox

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  • sturkku
    Registrierter Benutzer
    • 15.03.2014
    • 2

    Visaton Couplet Standbox

    Hi all,

    Sorry for posting this in English, I don't speak German at all.

    I have a Visaton Couplet speaker kit, and now I'm wondering whether to build it as a shelf-speaker or as a standbox-version. The problem is that I really can't find much information about the standbox-version. I know that it can be found in Hobby Hifi 5/2000, but that article is out of my reach.

    Some of the questions I'm wondering about are as follows: What are the advantages or disadvantages of the standbox over the shelf-version? Does the standbox require a different crossover? Is it possible to find plans for the standbox? Or does someone have a copy of the Hobby Hifi article (maybe I can understand it with Google Translate)? Any other information I should know of?

    By the way, another thing I'm wondering is that should one have a subwoofer with the Couplet speakers?

    Any help and opinions are greatly appreciated.


  • Pansen
    Registrierter Benutzer
    • 12.04.2009
    • 1494

    First, sorry for my bad english.

    Is your question about Couplet Standbox without waveguide? If so, the only advantage i can see is about optical reasons. As you can see in my threads (search for it), i've built a Couplet Standbox with Waveguide - you can built it for a shelf as well. There are no disadvantages for the different versions. - Datenbank für Boxsim-Projekte


    • walwal
      Registrierter Benutzer
      • 08.01.2003
      • 28126

      Hi sturkku

      You can order HH 05/2000 here:

      But you can also use the original Couplet crossover. Volume for each TMT is 15 L with BR 19.24. BxHxT 200x1100x300. The Crossover-compartment at the bottom ist sand-filled, H=300.

      The use of a subwoofer depends on the hearing level.

      Pansen mentioned Couplet with Waveguide, this Speaker ist much better.

      Regards Jürgen
      „Audiophile verwenden ihre Geräte nicht, um Ihre Musik zu hören. Audiophile verwenden Ihre Musik, um ihre Geräte zu hören.“

      Alan Parsons


      • sturkku
        Registrierter Benutzer
        • 15.03.2014
        • 2

        Thank you Pansen and walwal for your information.

        I meant Couplet without waveguide, as I was not aware of any waveguides. (I am a real beginner.) Now I got interested about the waveguide also. I tried and still will try to search for your threads Pansen, but it is quite difficult as I speak zero German.

        Which waveguide did you use Pansen?

        I will order the article. Does it include plans for the standbox cabinet?




        • walwal
          Registrierter Benutzer
          • 08.01.2003
          • 28126

          More about Couplet WG:

          This is not an official Kit, the crossover must built by yourself.

          Waveguide is made by Visaton WG 148 R.

          Sturkku, you got PN (Private Nachrichten)
          Angehängte Dateien
          Zuletzt geändert von walwal; 15.03.2014, 19:41.
          „Audiophile verwenden ihre Geräte nicht, um Ihre Musik zu hören. Audiophile verwenden Ihre Musik, um ihre Geräte zu hören.“

          Alan Parsons


          • seewolf
            Registrierter Benutzer
            • 02.04.2010
            • 98

            Hi sturkku!

            Try it here:


            best regards


