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  • dllfreak2001
    Registrierter Benutzer
    • 24.09.2005
    • 970

    Da muss ich mich erstmal reinlesen, aber schonmal danke für die Infos.
    Ich habe nichts erwartet und wurde dennoch enttäuscht.


    • KlingKlong
      Registrierter Benutzer
      • 23.03.2001
      • 92

      Weiterführende Links :

      Schnell-Anleitung zum Selbermachen :


      Non linear distortion seems to be one of those nebulous things that (almost) everyone says is important but with little regard to what is actually audible and/or offensive. Some recent comments by Earl Geddes caused a bit of a commotion recently with a lot of s**t be slung after that. Both Geddes and Klippel have important information on their sites that everyone should check out.

      There is a way for us diyers to determine for our self what we find audible and/or offensive that was presented in, of all places, Stereophile magazine. The inspiration came from this article: http://´

      It's a brief on how we can correlate the distortion we hear with measurements. Mentioned is Wigan's and Geddes' formulas. Wigan's formula is easy to calculate and is better indication of audiblity than the previous THD formula used for so long, and still is. Geddes took Wigan's idea a step further and produced what is currently the most accurate way to quantify audibility of distortion IMHO. It is ironic that he later pretty much discounted non linear distortion as a factor in speaker design, which is what started this whole recent internet blow up on the subject.

      To be fair to Geddes though, he did say that to a designer using good drivers non-linear distortion is not important. Which of course changes the argument completely. Geddes uses high quality B&C drivers where I'm sure distortion is well controlled. He's not digging through $30 tweeters to find the gems like we are. At some level decreasing levels of non-linear distortion probably does enter an area of
      diminishing returns. And if all you ever use are drivers in that top 10%, then I suppose distortion probably isn't that big of deal, compared to all the other factors.

      But for the rest of us mortals it probably is a big deal. But don't just take the gurus word for it.

      Check it out yourself! And here is a tutorial on how to that! From Stereophile article above download and Also download Audacity The article and help file in the AddDistortion folder lay out the process pretty well. Basically AddDistortion will add any distortion profile you can dream up to a wav file that you have made from, say, your favorite Diana Krall song. The only requirements are that it be 1) a wav 2) mono 3) less than 60 seconds long.Then you can compare the original to the distorted version and see for yourself the difference.

