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Sound bar look a like with B 100

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  • V20
    Registrierter Benutzer
    • 24.12.2010
    • 5

    Sound bar look a like with B 100

    Hello to you all,

    I would like me to built a sound bar look a like. It should contain 3 speakers (B 100). Front left, center, front right. The with of the soundbar should be 124 cm. Just like the with of my tv. I would like to built the B 100 in 5.8 l closed. As advised by Visaton.
    I want to use the B 100 in small mode in my home cinema.

    Does the B 100 need a crossover?
    Does it need damping material?

    Thanks to you all,

  • r0b
    Registrierter Benutzer
    • 02.12.2005
    • 352

    Not sure if you will benefit from the central B100, when the other two are that close together. What signal do you plan to feed to the central one, home cinema receiver? Putting in a low-frequency driver as a third driver might be more beneficial.

    Just some food for thought. If you are aiming for the look, or definitely want a central B100, go for it.

    The rest is up to other people to answer, but I guess you'd need some stuffing. Also, if you're super eager, start building. You are constrained by outside dimensions anyway.

    Do give every speaker its own enclosure (internal walls) thou.



    • V20
      Registrierter Benutzer
      • 24.12.2010
      • 5


      Yes i will be using a home cinema receiver. So the 3 B 100 will be working as front left, center, front right. The setup will be 5.1.
      I will be using 2 subwoofers (sub T 25.30) at 100 hz. They will be placed somewhere else in the living room.

      I like the design of a sound bar look a like. And every speaker gets it's own enclosure.

      Does the B 100 need a crossover?




      • JAL
        Registrierter Benutzer
        • 26.03.2018
        • 1032

        Hi V20,

        as i only am a interested newbie, i can´t answer your question concerning the crossover in detail.
        It is possible to simulate your planned soundbar with "BoxSim", the Visaton-made sound-simulation program.
        So give it a try or wait for some well-mooded experts to look by, they will surely be able to help you in detail.

        I think a crossover is not needed as the B100s are full-range speakers.
        But i am pretty sure that you will need some kind of correctional circuit in order to make the most of the B100´s capabilities.
        Running the B100s without that circuit would most probably be possible, but doubtful in matters of sound quality.
        But as u seem to be sure about the casing and the used speakers, you may as well start building and try it without correctional circuit.
        But, if it proves to be needed, that correctional circuit should at least be by far simpler to build than a 2- or even a 3-way crossover-circuit.
        It shouldn´t be too complicated to include it afterwards if it proves to be necessary.
        In some cases full-range speakers can sound quiet good directly connected without any correctional measure. And your Surround-Receiver may also include some measures of equalizing.
        And to your question concerning the damping:
        i think some damping will help; but it should be easy to check it out yourself. Damping material isn´t really expensive and your Soundbar should make it easy to in- or decrease the amount of damping-wool.
        So you can hear yourself what differences it makes.

        Did u already check the web for some comparable speakers which are containing your desired B100?
        Maybe that would be a good start and it would give you a first hint...

        Zuletzt geändert von JAL; 24.06.2018, 12:40.


        • V20
          Registrierter Benutzer
          • 24.12.2010
          • 5


          Yes i am waiting for some well mooded expert if he is willing to develop a crossover for a B 100 in a 5.8 l closed box.

          Is there a well mooded expert who is willing to develop a crossover?

          Soon i will start to built the speaker. And i can always insert the crossover later.




          • Turnspit
            Registrierter Benutzer
            • 14.01.2018
            • 122

            Hi V20,

            I know you are looking for a solution with the B100, but I personally can also strongly recommend the B80 for what you want. Although I would agree to r0b, that putting stereo speakers so closely together and also add a center is far from an optimal solution (I learned that the hard way).

            As I said, I personally use the B80 in small 5l vented enclosures and totally LOVE them in my homecinema, so here's my suggestion for what you want:

            Dimensions of the soundbar: 124 x 20 x 30 cm (WxHxD)

            Each B80 gets a separate 5l department with a bass reflex tube on the back (4cm in length, 3cm inner diameter) as well as some dampening of course, and a simple frequency adjustment consisting of only 3 parts.

            I've attached the frequency adjustment as well as the Boxsim simulation file.

            Angehängte Dateien
            Zuletzt geändert von Turnspit; 28.06.2018, 11:33.


            • JAL
              Registrierter Benutzer
              • 26.03.2018
              • 1032

              Dein Vorschlag für die B80 samt BoxSim-Datei sind generell sicher sehr nett und ausführlich, aber wie ich es verstanden habe inadäquat, da V20 die B100er nicht nur will, sondern sogar schon hat und sie definitiv benutzen will...



              • Turnspit
                Registrierter Benutzer
                • 14.01.2018
                • 122


                Dass er ihn schon hat, steht nirgends, deswegen wollte ich vorab nur eine Alternative anbieten.

                Aber, wenn es der B100 geschlossen in 5-6 l sein soll, dann vielleicht so...
                Angehängte Dateien


                • JAL
                  Registrierter Benutzer
                  • 26.03.2018
                  • 1032

                  Nice, so schnell ging das, da maß ich mir an schon mal "Vielen Dank!" zu sagen im Namen von V20
                  Zuletzt geändert von JAL; 13.07.2018, 18:32.

