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B200 + DHT9

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  • Biarritz
    Registrierter Benutzer
    • 08.10.2006
    • 8

    B200 + DHT9


    Sorry for not writing in German, I would just make to many mistakes if I did.

    I wanted to show my latest modifications to my speakers.
    I have a pair of aperiodic enclosures containing a B200 combined with a DHT9. These ara old tweeters I know, but the TL 16H is just too expensive for me and I had them laying around anyway.

    I created a crossover using BoxSim resulting in the following diagrams:

    The beaming of the B200 is almost eliminated and the DHT9 bring more brightness to the sound which makes the overall image very wide.
    I also use a 10 inch sealed sub to support the lower frequencies.

    Feel free to comment on my creation in German.

    Kind regards,

    Zuletzt geändert von Biarritz; 02.10.2008, 12:10.
  • walwal
    Registrierter Benutzer
    • 08.01.2003
    • 28161

    Unfortunatly Boxsim does not work with the B 200, due no piston-like movement.

    Der B 200 lässt sich leider nicht mit Boxsim simulieren, da die Membran nicht kolbenartig arbeitet.
    „Audiophile verwenden ihre Geräte nicht, um Ihre Musik zu hören. Audiophile verwenden Ihre Musik, um ihre Geräte zu hören.“

    Alan Parsons


    • walsc
      Registrierter Benutzer
      • 25.07.2004
      • 252

      Du hast es gewagt den heiligen B200 für zwei Wege zu missbrauchen, herzliche Gratulation!
      Mir ist vor zwei Jahren etwas Ähnliches im Kopf herumgegeistert, habe aber dann die Finger davon gelassen - zu viel finanzieller Aufwand für ein Experiment mit unsicherem Ausgang.

      Eine genauere Klangbeschreibung wäre nett.

      Kommt denn der kleine Subwoofer noch mit bei größeren Pegeln?


      • LeePriest
        Registrierter Benutzer
        • 06.01.2006
        • 364

        Für das DHT9 existieren leider keine Daten. Ich habe zu Hause noch 3 Stück liegen und würde die auch gern mal simulieren als 2-Wege. Wirkungsgrad-bezogen dürfte B200 und DHT aber funktionieren, war ja auch in der Fiesta 30 mit dem BG20.
        Gruß! Lee
        VIB 170 BP halbaktiv
        Vehemence 8.3
        Stella light XS
        MB 208/H und 120 Liter Sub mit BGS40


        • Biarritz
          Registrierter Benutzer
          • 08.10.2006
          • 8

          About a year ago I had my speakers (containing only the B200) professionally measured in a deadroom (sorry the images are very big)

          The response curve shows 3 measurements:

          The top curve is measured without any correction circuit
          The middle is with 1mH and 8 Ohm correction in parallel
          The bottom curve is with correction but under a 20 degree angle

          When applying correction circuit in BoxSim the curves looked very simular to the actual measurements.

          I know that using the B200 in a two way setup is a sin, but I was unsatisfied with it. I have tried different correction circuits, but that never did the trick.
          Then I saw the new plans with Solo 20 and 5 with a TL16 H super tweeter. Since the DHT9 is 'almost' simular to the TL16H I wanted to give it a try.

          If all works out ok I want to remove the large faceplate of the DHT9 and mount it as close to the B200 as possible.

          It is very diffecult to describe the how it sounds. The DHT9 is a bit dominant at the moment, but to me it sounds ok. There is more air to the sound. The small sub is doing fine. I have a very small listening room, but I'm thinking of adding a second one to my system.

          The data for the DHT9 is available for BoxSim. You will have to search for the archive for old Visaton speakers. I do not know how accurate it is though.

          I hope somebody else would also feel the urge to try this modification. I'm also very interested to know if somebody tried the TL16 H with their Solo 20 or 50.
          Zuletzt geändert von Biarritz; 02.10.2008, 13:21.


          • Quaschdl
            Registrierter Benutzer
            • 17.08.2004
            • 454

            Why didn't you reduce the peak between 1 and 2kHz? Probably it makes a typical "fullrangespeakersound", with very nice voice reproduction. But does it not become annoying if you are listening for a longer time?
            To generalise is to be an idiot.


            • Biarritz
              Registrierter Benutzer
              • 08.10.2006
              • 8

              I already have a new version of the correction circuit to reduce this peak.
              But I ran out of components. I will only have time to visit the store next week.

              It does get annoying after listening for a longer time, so will definitely try this very soon.
              Zuletzt geändert von Biarritz; 02.10.2008, 13:06.

