
Keine Ankündigung bisher.

are you experienced?

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  • john
    Registrierter Benutzer
    • 16.01.2006
    • 14

    are you experienced?

    Hello, my name is John. Since my Deutch is not so well I'm writing this in english. Allthough I can read your language well, my writing is 'to dutch' to you, so to speak.

    I need some usefull clues to make a good configuration with the following loudspeakerunits: W300 NG, W200S,
    DSM 50 FFL and DTW 97.

    I recently bought a pair off homemade speakers with these units. The W 300 NG has a transmissionline, but I don't think the builder actually knew what he was trying to build. Sounds poor. He used a HW 4/200 cross-over and just 'hooked up' the units and didn't bother about fase and dB-correction. Results: harsh sound, 'gaps' in the overall frequencyrespons (you don't need equipment to 'measure' that; it's all to obvious by just listening). I bought these huge pair of 'refridgerators' (40X40X155cm) because they are nicely finished, cheap, but most of all: I'm sure it's possible to make an 'extreme make-over into beauty' because I'm convinced of the quality of each separate unit.
    What I especially need is information about 'the best way' to make a cross-over for these units. With my building-experience I have learned that with frequently used units, like these, there is some kind of 'golden' match.

    I'm looking forward to your 'tips & tricks'!

    John (die Niederlande/ the netherlands/ nederland)
  • YouGo
    Registrierter Benutzer
    • 25.11.2004
    • 56

    Hoi John,

    Probeer het programma BoxSim eens ( Het wordt veel gebruikt hier op het forum en je kan er alles mee simuleren om een goede makeover van je boxen te maken
    PS Ich kan prima Deutsch lezen , aber schreiben ist noch ein bischen schwierich für mich


    • harry_m
      Registrierter Benutzer
      • 16.08.2002
      • 6421

      Das Flemische kann ich immer noch ein wenig verstehen, stellte ich gerade fest. (1,5 Jahre in Antwerpen haben doch Spuren hinterlassen...)
      Zwei Tragödien gibt es im Leben: nicht zu bekommen, was das Herz wünscht, und die andere - es doch zu bekommen. (Oscar Wilde)
      Harry's kleine Leidenschaften


      • Loiti
        Registrierter Benutzer
        • 12.07.2005
        • 204

        W200S + G50FFL (+ DTW 97) sind doch eh nicht schlecht.
        Das ganze in 30l Bassreflex, den Rest mit Boxsim simulieren und fertig.

        Mfg Stefan


        • VISATON
          • 30.09.2000
          • 4506

          Dazu muss man wissen, dass man statt der DTW 97 auch die in der Datenbank vorhandene DT 94 nehmen kann. Die Frequenzgänge sind so gut wie identisch.


          • john
            Registrierter Benutzer
            • 16.01.2006
            • 14

            Dank voor alle reacties!

            Mooi programma dat Boxim trouwens.

            Groet, John


            • CheGuevara
              Registrierter Benutzer
              • 25.10.2001
              • 760

              Do I understand you correctly, that you want to use the enclosure and just want to change the crossover?

              with the W200S, the DSM50 and the DTW97 you could build a really good loudspeaker.
              I think the W300NG can't come up with the rest, sorry!

              what volume works the W200S on?
              is there a possibility to modify the volumes?

              Alle Datenpakete sind gleich,
              aber manche sind gleicher.


              • john
                Registrierter Benutzer
                • 16.01.2006
                • 14

                Hello Che,

                The w200s has his own sealed enclosure of 30 litres. It is possible to make it (much) larger within the total enclosure. But I discovered that this way the W200S nicely and naturally 'drops down' below about 100Hz . I am well aware the W300NG doesn't have the quality the other units have. But I love a bass that goes al the way down. So I came up with the following idea/ experiment:
                I have a DT 150 (Detonation) subwoofer-amplifier with plenty of power and 'tuning' possibility. The W300NG's will get there own sealed enclosures (still within the original total enclosure) of about 90 litres (Qtc= 0.7). I don't have the illusion these woofers are suited for a vented enclosure since the are simply not 'stiff' enough. (And yes, that means 2X mono, but below the 100Hz you can't locate stereo anyway).

                I will give it a try, but if the experiment fails I will have to 'switch over' to another plan...any suggestions?




                • CheGuevara
                  Registrierter Benutzer
                  • 25.10.2001
                  • 760

                  That sounds good!

                  I think with a proper comibination of enclosure-highpass of the W200S plus aktive filters (and/or a passive HP for the W200S?) that will be a good sounding set up with a good "punch"! ;-)

                  Alle Datenpakete sind gleich,
                  aber manche sind gleicher.

