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What means High-End???

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  • YouGo
    Registrierter Benutzer
    • 25.11.2004
    • 56

    What means High-End???


    When I compare the G25FFL with the G25HE, I don't see dramatic diffrences, but the last one is HE and the first one not. The G20SC is cheaper and less good than the G25FFL, but is also HE. What makes a driver High-End?

    P.S. And what about HiFi?
    Zuletzt geändert von YouGo; 15.12.2004, 18:44.
    PS Ich kan prima Deutsch lezen , aber schreiben ist noch ein bischen schwierich für mich
  • YouGo
    Registrierter Benutzer
    • 25.11.2004
    • 56

    PS Ich kan prima Deutsch lezen , aber schreiben ist noch ein bischen schwierich für mich


    • We-Ha
      • 26.09.2001
      • 12248

      Nein !
      Es weiss hier niemand, wir fragen uns das auch schon die ganze Zeit !

      cu in my Bastelkeller
      Tipps & Tricks für alle Wastels in Wolfgangs Bastelkeller , denn wie der Schreiner kann es keiner
      Ich habe Probleme für alle Lösungen !!! .-- ....


      • YouGo
        Registrierter Benutzer
        • 25.11.2004
        • 56

        VISATON has to know...
        PS Ich kan prima Deutsch lezen , aber schreiben ist noch ein bischen schwierich für mich


        • derjan
          Registrierter Benutzer
          • 17.11.2000
          • 1137

          have you heard the G25HE against the G25FFL?

          I've never heard the G20SC, but a lot of people who compared it to the G25FFL/HE and to the KE25SC, say that the G20SC is much better than the G25FFL in sound quality, in some applications not worse than the KE25SC.

          Ask some people who tested, for example, the Vox200 with G20SC and with KE25SC. I suppose they'll tell you that the KE sure sounds a bit different, but hard to say if it really sounds better..... at THRICE the cost of a G20SC.

          As far as I remember, some time ago the sound quality comparison between G20SC and KE25SC (and/or MHT12) indeed sparked a huge discussion about the pros and cons of a tweeter like the KE25SC........ the conclusion was, that the KE's price may be justified by the sum of all its qualities (power handling, low compression, high quality components, heavy and massive front plate, good "haptics", magnetic shielding, precise workmanship........), but not by the sound quality at normal sound levels alone.


          • Thanatos
            Registrierter Benutzer
            • 09.10.2004
            • 182

            Interesting Thread.

            It´s the same situation with Al 130 <--> TI 100...
            The Al 130 is marked as "High-End" but the TI 100 not...

            Why that?

            regards, Thanatos.


            • YouGo
              Registrierter Benutzer
              • 25.11.2004
              • 56

              Same reason I think...

              But does this mean that a non-high-end driver from for example Peerless can be 'better' than a high-end Visaton driver?
              PS Ich kan prima Deutsch lezen , aber schreiben ist noch ein bischen schwierich für mich


              • Mr.E
                Registrierter Benutzer
                • 02.10.2002
                • 5316


                AL130 and TI100 are both marked High-End...?


                • Lonzo
                  Registrierter Benutzer
                  • 05.08.2002
                  • 741

                  Währe Deine Frage nicht besser bei Visaton .com als bei aufgehoben ?

                  Gruß, Lonzo


                  • Thanatos
                    Registrierter Benutzer
                    • 09.10.2004
                    • 182

                    Original geschrieben von Mr.E

                    AL130 and TI100 are both marked High-End...?
                    You are right in relation of the name, but in the main catalogue of Visaton there exists a green sign for "High-End". Next to the description of the AL 130 High-End low-midrange driver there is this sign, next to the description of the TI 100 High-End low-midrange driver not...

                    In the name both are "High-End", but the sign is only next to the Al 130...

                    That´s it, what I mean, I should have described this better in my last post, sorry...


                    • VISATON
                      • 30.09.2000
                      • 4506

                      We simply forgot to mark the TI 100 as “High-End” in the catalogue. I recommend not being concerned too much of this mark. Nobody knows what high-end really is.


                      • 4real
                        Registrierter Benutzer
                        • 09.10.2003
                        • 164

                        Original geschrieben von VISATON
                        We simply forgot to mark the TI 100 as “High-End” in the catalogue. I recommend not being concerned too much of this mark.
                        If you forgot to do it, you must have some kind of "tool" to descide what is High-end, and what is not? (the tool is probably called "marketing" ? )

                        Nobody knows what high-end really is.
                        That is the whole point. What is high-end? Is it just a price distinction, does it have something to do with quality (and what are the criteria than?). Or is it just some kind of term that the magical high-end apes made up to make them feel better .

                        I'm betting my money on the last one Just descide for yourself what you like, and what not. Who cares about if it is high-end. You don't need marketing for your DIY speakers anyway (well, you don't, but the producers of the unit's do need it).

                        For the dutch speaking people, this is a nice link that explains who you can become a high-ender : (don't take this serious :P )
                        Entschuldigung fuer mein nicht so gutes Deutsch.


                        • YouGo
                          Registrierter Benutzer
                          • 25.11.2004
                          • 56

                          Die link is inderdaad cool ja geweldige website, maar je moet het idd niet te serieus nemen. Die gast beweert ook dingen die nergens op slaan
                          PS Ich kan prima Deutsch lezen , aber schreiben ist noch ein bischen schwierich für mich

