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Does anyone on this site speak English?

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  • Ollie
    Registrierter Benutzer
    • 26.11.2002
    • 563

    Hi folks,

    you are aware that there is a site called where all the stuff on products can be found in english, right?

    The patent was abandoned when it was discovered that the problem it fixed was inexistent.


    • PapaSchlumpf
      Registrierter Benutzer
      • 14.01.2004
      • 653

      Yes, but the Stuff About the Experience V20 MKII is only available on this Forum, and only in German.


      • We-Ha
        • 26.09.2001
        • 12248

        hihihi, man sieht den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht !
        Tipps & Tricks für alle Wastels in Wolfgangs Bastelkeller , denn wie der Schreiner kann es keiner
        Ich habe Probleme für alle Lösungen !!! .-- ....


        • We-Ha
          • 26.09.2001
          • 12248

          Well, here is it in english:

          Tipps & Tricks für alle Wastels in Wolfgangs Bastelkeller , denn wie der Schreiner kann es keiner
          Ich habe Probleme für alle Lösungen !!! .-- ....


          • LNeilB
            Registrierter Benutzer
            • 12.07.2004
            • 14


            Thanks for the translations. But again I have to ask - do any of you own Visaton speakers? I know this is a Visaton forum, but nobody has mentioned their opinions.

            Thanks again.....


            • LNeilB
              Registrierter Benutzer
              • 12.07.2004
              • 14

              I know the products are described in English, but not the MkII version shown. I'm more interested in listener impressions at this point. I figured the VIB 2000 GF was a stretch!


              • Frank S
                Registrierter Benutzer
                • 26.04.2002
                • 4741

                Nearly all of us own several Visaton speakers and use them several hours a day! Here, we have the Alto 1 (multimedia PC), the Atlas DSM MK2 (living room), the Atlas compact MK2 (brother) and the Monitor 890 MK2 (me). Friends of me use the VOX300 and several custom-built speakers. The VOX300 was developed by Visaton after some requests in this forum asking for improved bass reproduction compared to the VOX25x in large rooms. We all are *very* satisfied with these systems! All surpassed our expectations by far.

                There is one important aspect talking about Visaton speakers: their kits have been developed to play 100% neutrally. This means, that bad recording sound really bad in you room and excellent recordings sound exceptional well. You hear the music like it is delivered from the amplifier (when the speakers are placed correctly in you room). Some customers prefer colored, warm sound compared to the original recording. In that case, the crossover network has to be modified to meet the customers requirements. If such a modification is wished, you can contact Visaton directly and ask them (e-mail) for the modifications to be made. They usually answer within some few days.

                If you hear some of the more expensive Visaton speakers in comparison to B&W, you can hear clearly that B&W tends to produce quite a colored, warm sound with reduced midrange. This makes bad recordings sound better - but it is quite annoying when rearing high quality music for extended period of time. The comparison with good headphones clearly shows, which speakers are neutral. Old B&Ws like the great and huge Matrix 800 were neutral, too.

                In addition to their neutrality, the HighEnd Visaton speakers have high power capabilities. You can drive a VOX300 to the clipping level of a RB1090BX without audible distortion of any frequencies. For this reason, it makes a lot of fun to drive these speakers at such high levels as the sound is still clean and the music creates a live-atmoisphere. Few other companies are able to combine excellent sound *together* with high power capabilities.


                • Ollie
                  Registrierter Benutzer
                  • 26.11.2002
                  • 563

                  The latter (power handling) is true for basically any low-efficiency speaker which has enough copper to dissipate the energy and the diaphragm area to avoid nonlinear behavior. This property is absolutely no sign of quality (*). After all, feeding 100W to a 4Ohm/88dB (!) speaker results in a flabbergasting 108 dB/1m (**) which --in terms of a 6 x 10 sqm living room-- is virtually nothing, not even a cool breeze (even more true if you like bass).

                  The fact that your amp is likely to clip even at low (perceived) sound pressure levels, is uninteresting at best. At worst, it pretty much kills your tweeter point blank. So I'd not be too proud that my speakers act as current sinks...

                  (*) general quality of the products in questions notwithstanding!
                  (**) Edit: first version of this post said 98dB/1m, which of course is wrong.
                  Zuletzt geändert von Ollie; 13.07.2004, 04:44.
                  The patent was abandoned when it was discovered that the problem it fixed was inexistent.


                  • LNeilB
                    Registrierter Benutzer
                    • 12.07.2004
                    • 14

                    I think Frank was trying to point out the high maximum SPL capabilities of the VOX300. Am I right Frank?


                    • Ollie
                      Registrierter Benutzer
                      • 26.11.2002
                      • 563

                      Yepp, but I think any speaker that large and equipped with similar drivers can do. And maxSPL is not necessarily higher than in other 3-way designs, is it?
                      The patent was abandoned when it was discovered that the problem it fixed was inexistent.


                      • Frank S
                        Registrierter Benutzer
                        • 26.04.2002
                        • 4741

                        ...but I think any speaker that large and equipped with similar drivers can do.

                        ->no, certainly NOT. Not for the price of a VOX300 and together with neutral sound. Compare VOX300 to Infinity Kappa or JBL TI5000 or B&W Matrix 801 or other speakers with 12" woofer. There are superior speakers on the market, of course! Look at the Grand Utopia from JM-Lab...

                        Which affordable speaker is built around chassis comparable to the TIW360, KE25SC, TI100, AL130? Remenber, even Burmester used a slightly modified TIW250 in his HighEnd concepts.

                        The combination of SPL *AND* superior sound quality is one of the features typical for visaton. Even a Experience V20 sound better than an Ergo 91DC at all SPL.


                        • FuManChu
                          Registrierter Benutzer
                          • 28.06.2003
                          • 153


                          ->no, certainly NOT. Not for the price of a VOX300 and together with neutral sound.
                          that is very true, most speakers for the price of a VOX 300 can not deliver a similar SPL in that quallity, I never heard something comparable before.


                          • Benny
                            Registrierter Benutzer
                            • 02.04.2002
                            • 1622


                            I think we have to tell our new members, that most of the Vox- speakers are EBS- tuned...
                            If you don't like that, don't buy a Vox...

                            EDIT: If you don't know, what "EBS" means, have a look here...
                            MfG B.

                            -- kleine Knipsereien-- [15. 01. 2012]


                            • LNeilB
                              Registrierter Benutzer
                              • 12.07.2004
                              • 14

                              Most, or all? Do you know which in particular?


                              • Benny
                                Registrierter Benutzer
                                • 02.04.2002
                                • 1622

                                I think all of them (even if I get punished, 'cause I'm saying that).
                                We had lots of discussions about that, and it's undisputed, that the Vox 25X and the Vox 200 is, too...
                                So maybe the Vox 300 is, too? I think so...
                                MfG B.

                                -- kleine Knipsereien-- [15. 01. 2012]

