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Klirr von Subwoofern, Test

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  • walwal
    Registrierter Benutzer
    • 08.01.2003
    • 28236

    Klirr von Subwoofern, Test

    Sehr umfangreich:


    "Welcome to the AV: Talk Subwoofer Tests Forum.

    In here, over time we hope to build a reference library of subwoofers and their real-world performance as demonstrated by a series of standard objective tests.

    Let's face it, a good subwoofer is what makes the home cinema experience more real. The ability to portray explosions, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in your own room with a 'you are there' sense of reality is what every home cinema enthusiast hopes to achieve. Sadly, if you just go on manufacturer's specifications and professional reviewers' and friends' flowery descriptions of how good a particular subwoofer is, it is very hard to select one that will work in *your* room from the myriad of models available. Many people end up disappointed because their chosen sub doesn't produce the bass quality they really want.

    Sure, there are other sources of objective tests of subwoofers; magazines (both paper and online), some discussion forums and review sites that publish reviews. Some of these even include useful objective measurements. But each reviewer uses his own selection of measurements, performed under a particular set of conditions which means that you cannot easily take a review of subwoofer A by reviewer X and compare it to the performance of subwoofer B reviewed by Y. Only where a single reviewer has tested a range of subs over time, under identical conditions, and published the results can you make reasonable assessment of the relative performance of subs within that group. But if the only review of the sub you are interested in happens to be by another reviewer, how do you compare its performance to that of its peers? Not all sub models seem to be offered by manufacturers for review and few reviewers could afford to buy and test more than a handful - it just wouldn't be practical.

    So in order to cut through some of this, we decided that we would like to perform a set of standard measurements against as large a range of subs as we could muster and see how they really stack up. We were of course interested to see what some of the esoteric high-end has to offer, but we were particularly keen to see how the more common and popular models fare by comparison. This is after all where most people contemplating a sub purchase would be looking.

    We recognised that fully testing a large number of subs was going to be a time-consuming task. So we devised a set of measurements that could be repeated over and over, relatively quickly and with a reasonable degree of accuracy. We were also going to be dependent on what subwoofers our members were prepared to bring along for us to test. So a big thank you to all those that have volunteered to bring along their subs and let us put them through their paces.

    Our first testing session was held on 22nd May 2005, and we managed to test 12 different subs in just over 4 hours. We aim to repeat this session at least a couple more times as and when we can muster enough subs that we haven't previously tested.

    Next up, how we performed the measurements..."

    Bester (bisher von mir gefunden)) Velodyne HGS 10 mit Servo-Controller (Beschleunigungsaufnehmer) und Class D in Acryl....
    Zuletzt geändert von walwal; 13.03.2008, 09:24.
    „Audiophile verwenden ihre Geräte nicht, um Ihre Musik zu hören. Audiophile verwenden Ihre Musik, um ihre Geräte zu hören.“

    Alan Parsons
  • Mr.E
    Registrierter Benutzer
    • 02.10.2002
    • 5334

    Und was ist mit dem Velodyne HGS18?


    • walwal
      Registrierter Benutzer
      • 08.01.2003
      • 28236

      Bester (bisher von mir gefunden)) Velodyne HGS 10


      Ich muss ja nicht alles machen
      Der ist noch besser.

      Sieht etwa so aus, dass die kleinen Chassis schlechter sind. Überraschung...
      „Audiophile verwenden ihre Geräte nicht, um Ihre Musik zu hören. Audiophile verwenden Ihre Musik, um ihre Geräte zu hören.“

      Alan Parsons


      • Mr.E
        Registrierter Benutzer
        • 02.10.2002
        • 5334

        Ne. Der dicke B&W mit 15er ist glaub ich »schlechter« als der HGS10 von Velodyne.


        • harry_m
          Registrierter Benutzer
          • 16.08.2002
          • 6421

          Original geschrieben von walwal
          ...Sieht etwa so aus, dass die kleinen Chassis schlechter sind. Überraschung...
          Und die doppelte Zentrierspinne hilft wohl auch nicht viel.


          Paradigm: Servo 15 schlägt sich für seine Größe erstaunlich gut.
          Zwei Tragödien gibt es im Leben: nicht zu bekommen, was das Herz wünscht, und die andere - es doch zu bekommen. (Oscar Wilde)
          Harry's kleine Leidenschaften

